Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Dream Fulfilled!!

If you are regular customer at The Country Junction, you probably at one time  have talked with our Manager Mary Kay.  Mary Kay has been at the Country Junction for 19 years.  In those 19 years many of Mary Kay’s coworkers have learned that she has always been a big fan of Katie Couric.  When Katie was on the Today show Mary Kay would often come to work that day and share with everyone her morning with Katie Couric.   Jokingly it was suggested that we should get a bracelet for Mary Kay that instead of “WWJD” it should read “WWKD”  for “what would Katie do”.  

Today Mary Kay had the surprise of her life.  One that I am pretty sure she will never forget.  After the lunch crowd, four women came into CJ for lunch.  Our manager Heidi thought one of the ladies was Katie Couric.  She went to the office and asked Tom what were the odds that Katie Couric would be in Dyersville today. Tom’s reply was a quick “Zero!”  Heidi had Tom come down to clarify that it indeed was Katie Couric.  Immediately, Heidi picked up the phone and called Mary Kay who happened to be on her way to work.

Mary Kay arrived and went to the table to talk to Katie Couric.  For 30 minutes the two chatted and had pictures taken.  Mary Kay said she was as warm and kind as she appears on TV.  Katie signed a menu cover for us so that we can add her to the wall of fame. 

Everyone at Country Junction are still a buzz with the whole event.  What are the chances that someone that Mary Kay has looked up to for years would walk through our doors on a cold January day?  All we know is that we couldn’t be happier for Mary Kay.  Katie Couric 003


mkl said...

OMG! Yesterday was a good day!

The Speed of Life said...

Awesome for MK and all th CJers!

aztom said...

Wow! Katie Couric is one lucky lady. Having lunch at CJ and meeting Mary.
My favorite place to eat while in Dyersville every June for the Summer Farm Toy Show.

TidyMom said...

OH MY GOSH!! How AWESOME was that!! how exciting!! did you ask Katie what she was doing there and how she found you?

Awesome Kay!!

Liz said...

Wow, and they even look a bit like each other! Now If I could get Katie to come to Brown & Hopkins...does Mary Kay have any pull???